Read a Banned Book. Now.

Actually, many of us already have. However, let’s continue the tradition of FREADOM and celebrate our right, our students right, and everyone’s right to READ!

I always try to talk with my students about BBW and tell them about what it is, why it matters, etc. How will you celebrate Banned Books Week?

Book Talk: Speak

In case you missed it, today wraps up Banned Books Week and so I felt it was fitting to add a Book Talk on Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. This book has been on my “to-read” list for awhile and after I heard there was so much discussion about it recently, I grabbed it off the shelf and marked it off my list. [note: Check out this awesome map of banned books]

Wow. What a powerful story. And even more so after reading it am I bothered that it has received such criticism. The thoughts, feelings, and every day life happenings that the main character, Melinda, go through are just so real. In fact, though I know this novel has helped many victims of sexual assault, I did not find it to be a novel focused on the rape. Instead, to me, it was a more powerful testament that no matter who you are, you have a VOICE. And, more importantly, Continue reading